Bologna Process
Adopting a new process for University
In Kurdistan Region, we have started to adopt this process too. Particularly in our department, Software Engineering department we are more than enthusiastic about this process
In Kurdistan Region, we have started to adopt this process too. Particularly in our department, Software Engineering department we are more than enthusiastic about this process
In the interview with the KTV I discussed the history and the mission of Software Engineering Department
Clustering is an unsupervised machine-learning method whose goal is to find natural groupings (clusters) of instances in data sets.
Temporal and sequence classification is an automatic system that assigns one of the predefined classes to the time series or sequence input
Spiliopoulou et al. introduced the monic model, which finds cluster transition over accumulating data sets, providing an ageing function for clustering data that prioritises
External criteria validate the results of clustering based on some predefined structures of the data which is provided from an external source.
Internal criteria measure the 'goodness' of clusters for the data by extracting information from data and clusters alone, such as the compactness of data points inside one cluster.
Many clustering methods exist to be used in different situations according to the underlying data to be analysed and clustered.
Hierarchical clustering is a method to group instances of a data set into a series of nested clusters or a tree of clusters called a dendrogram
Fuzzy sets are used in fuzzy logic and can be considered as a generalisation of set theory. An element can be a member of a particular set or not in set theory