Working on from on January 30, 2019 ·

General Information

  • University: University of Kurdistan - Hawler
  • Department: Computer Engineering Dept.
  • My Status: Assistant Lecturer
  • Level: BSc
  • Year: 2019

Course Description

The aim of this module is to teach students the concepts of how humans interact with computers. The goal is to equip students with enough information to:

  • Make them understand the ways people interact with computers.
  • Describe a variety of input and output devices, modes (including multimodal) and Human-Computer interaction styles.
  • Describe the needs of different populations of users of software and interfaces.
  • Appreciate the importance of interface design principles and standards, and proper use of HCI guidelines.

Course Objectives

On successful completion of the module students should be able to demonstrate:

  1. Knowledge and Understand of how humans interact with Computers and Usability Issues.
  2. Knowledge and understanding on how to select suitable hardware and style of interaction for a given situation
  3. Ability to use appropriate techniques in the analysis and design of user interfaces, and evaluate their usability
  4. Ability to specify and design of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for conventional and/or web-based applications
  5. Understand important design issues like quality of services, balancing function and fashion, user documentation and online help, and information search.
  6. Understand societal and individual impact of user interfaces.

Course Content

  • Introduction: Usability of Interactive Systems, Guidelines, Principles, and Theories.
  • Introduction: Human Aspects of HCI, Computer Aspects of HCI.
  • Development Processes: Managing Design Process: Organizational Design to Support Usability, the Four Pillars of Design, Development Methodologies….
  • Development Processes: Evaluating Interface Designs: Expert Reviews, Usability Testing, Survey Instruments, Acceptance Tests…….
  • Interaction Styles: Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments: Examples and Discussion of Direct Manipulation, 3D interfaces, Teleoperation, Virtual and Augmented Reality.
  • Interaction Styles: Menu Selection, Form Fill-in, and Dialog Boxes: Task-Related Menu Organization, Single Menus, Combinations of Multiple Menus, Content Organization, Fast Movement through Menus……
  • Interaction Styles: Command and Natural Languages and Interaction Devices. Command-Organization Functionality, Strategies, and Structure. Keyboard and Keypads, Pointing Devices, Display small and large.
  • Collaboration and Social Media Participation: Goals of Collaboration and Participation, Asynchronous and Synchronous Distributed Interfaces, Face to Face interfaces
  • Design Issues: Quality of Service: Models of Response-Time impacts, Expectations and Attitudes, User Productivity, Variability of Response Time.
  • Design Issues: Balancing Function and Fashion: Error Messages, Display Design, Web Page Design, Window Design.
  • Design Issues: User Documentation and Online Help: Online Versus Paper Documentation, Reading from Paper Versus From Displays, Shaping the Content of the Documentation, Accessing the Documentation, Online Tutorials and Animated Demonstrations……
  • Design Issues: Information Search and Visualization: Searching in Textual Documents, and Database Querying, Multimedia Document Searches, Advanced Filtering and Search Interfaces, Data Type by Task Taxonomy, Challenges for Information Visualization.
  • Societal and Individual Impact of User Interfaces: Future Interfaces, Ten Plagues of the Information Age, Continuing Controversies.

Polla Fattah