IT Manager

At SefinTel Company


  • Job Title: IT Manager
  • Organization: SefinTel Company
  • Start Date: 2007
  • End Date: 2008

Job Duties

This job was a part time for a startup company, I had the privilege of creating my first team of software and IT engineers. I was responsible for managing the team and creating products. During the time I was their me with my team created two products, one was a website for a university and the other was a web-based system for tracking progress of government projects.

Acquired Experiences

  • Managing a small team of engineers.
  • Responsible for Creating software products.
  • Deploying products and upgrading clients network infrastructure.

Why I Left

I have finished my MSc degree so I had started another job as visiting lecturer and the Koya University as well as changing my position in the Salahaddin University-Erbil and became assistant lecturer.

Polla Fattah